Take your riding performance to another level

Build A Stronger Body Inside & Out
Build a better relationship with yourself and your horse

My Role as Your Coach: Elevating Every Element

As a showjumper for Monaco, my commitment to excellence led me beyond the arena, delving into the realms of fitness, mindset, and breathwork practices. This holistic approach not only elevated my performance but also proved instrumental for potential falls and helped me minimise injuries that could have been far more severe had I not prepped my body properly.

It allowed me to have more awareness of my body, its strengths, and weaknesses, creating space for continuous improvement in every facet of my riding.

In my view, it is incredibly important to take care of our bodies and minds as a whole, in order to develop a healthier, stronger relationship with your horse. They possess an incredible sensitivity, intuitively picking up on every nuance of our emotions, particularly stress from the rider, which can in turn significantly influence overall performance.

In my journey, I've collaborated with numerous professional riders, assisting them in enhancing riding performance, building strength, improving posture and joint health, and refining nutritional habits. The equestrian world can be a place where convenience often takes precedence over nutrition, leading many to grab whatever is readily available, often resorting to sodas and processed snacks, which can majorly hinder performance.

This is why I am here, offering insights into the profound impact nutrition can have on health, concentration and energy levels.

As a nutrition advocate, I provide personalised guidance to optimise your dietary habits, supporting your energy levels, recovery, and overall well-being.

Together, we can embark on a journey to cultivate a stronger, healthier body and develop better habits in a way that is both enjoyable and accessible.

Why Choose me?

  • Tailored Training: Personalised programs designed to meet your unique needs and goals.

  • Equestrian Expertise: A deep understanding of the equestrian lifestyle and its specific physical demands.

  • Holistic Approach: Integrating fitness, nutrition, and relationship-building for comprehensive improvement.

  • Online Convenience: Experience the benefits of virtual coaching, bringing my expertise directly to you, wherever you are.

Whether you're a 2 to 5* competitive rider or just starting your equestrian journey, I'm here to guide you towards peak performance. I tailor my programs to enhance your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness, ensuring you're in prime condition to excel in every ride. With a passion for horses and a commitment to holistic athlete development, I go beyond traditional training methods. My approach is a unique blend of fitness expertise, personalised coaching, and a deep understanding of the equestrian lifestyle.

Join me on this transformative journey to unlock your full equestrian potential, foster a deeper connection with your horse, and embrace a lifestyle that prioritises the well-being of both mind and body.

"Unlock your potential, one healthy choice at a time. Invest in your well-being, supercharge your fitness, and witness the ripple effect of positive change in every aspect of your life. Your journey to greatness begins with the decision to prioritise your health.”