A little bit more about me

I am Tamara, I am a qualified Level 3 Personal trainer, XPT Level 1 coach, specialising in Breathwork and heat & cold therapy and I have an ACA certification in nutrition.

My upbringing was filled with diverse activitiesβ€”skiing, dancing, volleyball, you name it! However, my passion for animals ultimately led me to become a full-time showjumper for Monaco.

My fitness journey began as a personal commitment to a longer, healthier life, enhancing my performance and supporting my competitive career. Along the way, it evolved into an exploration of endorphin release, mental well-being, and appearance ideals, culminating in an unhealthy phase of overtraining, undereating, and gut issues. This behaviour led to me getting a load of injuries, joint pains, hormonal issues, and very poor mental health. I lacked so much knowledge back then about how important it is to LISTEN to your body. It was constantly over-stressing it, doing more damage than good. The result was years of gut issues, which took a major toll on my mental health.

As it started to majorly hinder my performance and well-being, I decided to go on an educational journey, understand more about the body as a whole, and completely change my mindset and approach to health and wellbeing. I decided to delve deeper into the gut, hormonal health, and nutrition world, in order to be able to heal myself once and for all.  Through years of trial and error, I've discovered my happy place. I now embrace and celebrate my body for what it can do.

I now listen to my body more than ever - and I choose to train for performance rather than aesthetics.

Focusing on my health & fitness has helped me in so many ways, from my competition to personal goals but more importantly, it has allowed me to build a strong and unbeatable body and mind and allowed me to perform to the best of my abilities in all aspects of my life.

During my healing journey, I felt the lack of support and understanding, often thinking I was alone in my struggles. Doctors brushed off my concerns, and my circle dismissed my issues as β€œit’s all in your head’. . That experience fuels my commitment todayβ€”to be there for anyone facing similar challenges.

It will never be just about "weight loss" or looking a certain way, it's about building a bulletproof body inside and out, fostering a stronger mindset, and guiding you to become the healthiest, strongest, and happiest version of yourselfβ€”regardless of age, ability, or skill set. Fat loss, strength building, skill acquisitionβ€”all are by-products of the holistic 360 approach I embrace.

I help individuals with their own health and fitness to reach their goals and full potential, helping them build confidence and consistency with their daily habits, using everything I have learned from my own journey.

Drawing from my own health challenges, I empathize with individuals navigating similar struggles. I understand the emotions and frustrations of those unsure where to start, facing plateaus, or simply needing support to persevere and reach their goals.

I've developed toolsβ€”fitness, mindset shifts, lifestyle changes, and breathworkβ€”to navigate tough times, and I hope to be the guide to help you navigate your own journey.

My Focus



Equestrian Rider Fitness
& Performance

Are you also a rider wanting to improve your health and performance in and out of the saddle? I got you!

Work on yourself

Be Kind to yourself